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10 Clean Webtoons for When You Want to Laugh

Kirsten | Posted June 6, 2022 | Updated February 27, 2024

You know how those YouTubers/Kpop groups often make up names for their fans?  Like how BTS has ARMY?  Should I make up one for my readers?  I’m getting tired of saying “you guys,” and saying “y’all” too often feels wrong when I’m not from the South.  If you have any ideas then feel free to comment or message them to me:)

I mentioned this when I updated the  10 Kid-Friendly Gaming Channels (...) post: I'm going to sit my brother down and coerce him into writing a post.  I’ll pay him if I have to.  I think it would be an interesting concept for my family to make guest appearances here, so I’ll try it out.  :D

Webtoon is a free app you can get to read all sorts of comics.  You can also use it as a website, and you don't even have to make an account to access the comics.  It has translations of comics in all sorts of languages too, if you prefer a language other than English.  I would just warn that it promotes a lot of comics that are not clean (violence, sexual content), so you should proceed with caution if you want to explore beyond what's recommended here.  It also pushes a lot of LGBT comics for those of you who are conscientious about that.

I wanted to give this post a more interesting title than "10 Clean Webtoons" and since most of my recommendations were comedies, I settled on this title.  (^^)b  Disclaimer: Most of these Webtoons are totally clean, but a few of them have pg-13 swear words in them which I made sure to mention in their review.

I have a grading scale for how clean content is now.  It's pretty straightforward, but if you want to understand it better, then check out my Blog Update 1.0.  The main thing to know is that lower PG applies to first grade and up, while upper PG applies to third/fourth grade and up, and lower PG-13 applies to middle school and up.

#1  Your Letter

This was my first Webtoon, guys!  It was so wholesome, too--I fell in love with it.  <3  It’s completed, and relatively short too (not even 50 chapters, woah).  I looked over it again since I read it a long time ago, and it seems squeaky clean (which is how I remember it) except for one swear word that some bullies write on the main character's desk.

It might look like a romance based on the cover, but the plot actually focuses on a mystery and develops the characters and their relationships through it.  That’s what I loved so much about this Webtoon.  It’s so interesting--kind of suspenseful, actually--but at the same time is a coming of age story, and leaves you mulling over the lesson the characters learn.  Overall, I came away from this Webtoon feeling warm, and fuzzy, and satisfied.

# of Chapters Read: ALL | Chapter Count: 10 | Status: Completed

#2  Raven Saga

I’ve only just started this comic, but the art is gorgeous and the plot is extremely fascinating so far.  Beyond that, the characters are so adorable. :>  And there are geese!  And a cat in boots!  Aaaah!  Anyway, the comic’s been totally clean so far--except for some moments where a guy is shirtless, but it’s totally innocent (so unless you aren’t at all comfortable with shirtlessness it should be fine).

Christians may be turned off by the comic since it’s about witches, which is fine.  My parents didn’t let us kids consume content with witches in it (except for Narnia & the Wizard of Oz, lol) until we reached the teen years.  The comic is about fairytale-like magic so I would say the focus on “witches” is relatively harmless.

# of Chapters Read: 4 | Chapter Count: 63 | Status: Ongoing

#3  Your Smile is a Trap

This comic is a romance, but the characters are so innocent!!  There are a lot of really great themes about judging people by looks, too.  Overall, I think this is a great story to read, even for younger audiences.  However, I think the story would be most enjoyed by pre-teen & teen readers.

I guess it’s because the art reminds me of manhwas from several years ago, but Your Smile is a Trap makes me so nostalgic.  Besides that, I feel like there aren’t as many comics aimed at older audiences that have such wholesome and important themes in them.  What makes the story interesting is that it’s sort of a gender-reversal of the classic Beauty and the Beast plot, but focuses on the different issues both characters face because of their appearances rather than kidnapping (no one is kidnapped in this comic).

# of Chapters Read: 90 | Chapter Count: 92 | Status: Ongoing

#4  I am the Villain

This comic is proving mainly to be a comedy, though at first glance it's a romance.  The reference to the Gru meme in chapter 2 is what got me.  :D  I'm curious if it's going the route of multiple love interests or a single one because many attractive guys have been introduced. :)

I love that the characters are all mostly polite and kind to each other, because a lot of romances these days are full of rudeness that's excused on the grounds of misunderstanding.  That's fun if it's done well, but sometimes I just want to see healthy, somewhat normal relationships in a story.  The cover right now has a shirtless guy so I elected not to embed the image on my post.  (^^ ;)

# of Chapters Read: 15 | Chapter Count: 168 | Status: Ongoing

#5  Suitor Armor

Disclaimer: There's at least one instance of swearing in this.

This is another one I've just started. :)  It's setting up to be a sort of action/drama series, but it's definitely a romance too.  One of its concepts is that fairies are discriminated against by humans and I'm excited to see the direction the author takes this.

Also, the male lead is a suit of armor.  (O.O)  At least, that's what it looks like, so I'm curious for where that plot point is headed too.  This series is so beautiful and has so much potential so I hope you give it a shot.

(ノヮ⚆)ノ ⌒*:・゚✧

# of Chapters Read: 12 | Chapter Count: 66 | Status: Ongoing

#6  Happily Ever Afterwards

!! I have been informed by a helpful reader that this comic actually becomes quite inappropriate with scenes that are "gory and pretty s*xual."  I have obviously not read far enough to ascertain this for myself, but be warned. !!

Guys, I'm sorry these are almost all romances. :')  It's hard to find clean action comics, but I love action so just know I'm trying.  :]  It'll happen eventually, I'm sure.

This one is hilarious mostly thanks to the quirky main character.  She is infatuated with the male lead and has a unique way of showing it.  He's her favorite character in a book that she transmigrated into.  :P  The comic is super wholesome, with only a few references to something more than PG that would go over kids' heads.

# of Chapters Read: 29 | Chapter Count: 58 | Status: Ongoing

#7  Batman: Wayne Family Adventures

I feel like I remember there being one or two swear words in this comic, but when I just read through 5-7 chapters, they were all completely clean, so…  Whatever the case, this comic is way more wholesome than I expected.  Although it’s about the Wayne family, it’s not really under the action genre.  I would probably put it under Comedy or Slice-of-Life.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

# of Chapters Read: 16 | Chapter Count: 41 | Status: Ongoing

#8  It's On

This is another wholesome comedy, so at least we have a few that aren’t romances. :)  This story is about two siblings who are Korean but moved to America to stay with their aunt.  The sister makes friends with the new kid and they create chaos together.  Well, the chaos is mostly her doing, hehe.  I really like this story because it is quite insightful, but hilarious at the same time.  Plus, as a TCK (third-culture kid), I can relate to the siblings who sometimes feel displaced in this new culture they entered.  It’s clean except for some pg-13 swearing.

# of Chapters Read: 6 | Chapter Count: 11 | Status: Ongoing

#9  Rewriting the Villainess

Rewriting the Villainess is a very interesting take on the transmigration niche.  The main character is actually the villainess who was swapped with the author when the author got into an accident.  Normally in this niche, the plot would focus on the person being transmigrated into the story rather than the character being brought into reality.  This comic focuses on the villainess navigating life in reality, where she can’t get away with a snobby personality any more.  This story is really entertaining because the villainess is quite aggressive, but also a sympathetic character.  We see how she uses her strength as a former villain to help other people, which is a great theme for the story.  This comic isn’t completely clean because it has a few pg-13 swear words in it.

# of Chapters Read: 7 | Chapter Count: 11 | Status: Ongoing

#10  After-School Lessons for Unripe Apples

I haven’t gotten far into this one, but it looks like a romantic comedy.  I love the art-style and 90’s-throwback setting. :D  The main character is slowly endearing herself to me.  She’s not the type of character I typically root for, but I could see myself growing attached to her over time.  She’s very friendly and fun-loving, and her innocent and simple attitude is what I like.  The author of this comic also wrote Cheese in the Trap, a comic that got its own K-drama adaptation, so this story is likely to be just as great.

# of Chapters Read: 2 (lol sorry) | Chapter Count: 49 | Status: Ongoing

 Guys, I wrote half of this in the car as we drove through the mountains of Tak.  Please spare a moment of silence for my stomach (I nearly vomited a few times).  My posts are 99% likely to get sporadic after this.  Although I'll keep working on my blog, I won’t have enough access to the internet to format and publish my posts very often.  It’s so hard because I have so many ideas for what I want to do with this site over the summer, but I won’t be able to carry it out in the end.  :’(

Well, anyway...  Stay tuned, because I'll probably drop my next post in a few days.  Since my post about Clean Gaming Channels was quite popular, I decided to speedrun a second one. (≖⌣≖)

 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”  

Proverbs 4:23  (NIV)

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