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Blog Update 1.0

Kirsten | Posted July 23, 2022 | Updated July 28, 2022

Guys, I was on vacation at the beach a year ago and I found a yellow and blue rubber-duck pool toy.  I took a picture of it but I never had a reason to post it until now.  ^^  My bro thinks using that as the cover for my blog update is hilarious.  What do you think?

In this update, there are some significant changes that will be introduced so I’d encourage you guys to at least skim over the whole thing if it looks like too much to read.

#1 Cleanness Rating System

I’ve actually been developing this for a while now.  I wanted it for two reasons.  I can now easily mark content right beside the title, so people who don’t have the time to read through my entire reviews can skim through.  Plus, my system is tailored to how I, personally, would rate content.

Each icon pictured above may be placed by the titles of content I recommend so that readers can easily ascertain the level of clean-ness.  I will never recommend content that is at the “Just Not Clean” level, but I may review content like that in the future.  I’ll rarely recommend content that reaches the “Lower PG-16” level.  If this system catches on, I'll use it for every post, otherwise, I'll just use it when it feels necessary.

Content that is squeaky clean is totally clean & wholesome.  This content could in theory be shown to a baby, but it’s not guaranteed babies would enjoy it.  :D  An example of squeaky clean content would be the show Odd Squad.  

Content in the lower PG level may have a little action, villainy, or kissing that would make it not suitable for babies.  The target pool for this rating would probably be toddlers up to second-graders.  An example of lower PG content would be Frozen.

Content in the upper PG level might have some character death, some mild violence, or a focus on romance that would not be suitable for kids below nine years old.  This content is still aimed at elementary kids, but could be upsetting for very young ones.  Examples of upper PG content would be Tangled or Spirited Away.

Content in the lower PG-13 level is stuck somewhere between the typical understanding of PG and PG-13.  There may be a few mild curse words, some mild violence, or suggestive moments that make the content not quite PG.  For the most part, while this content would not be suitable for elementary, it would be suitable for pre-teens/middle schoolers.  Examples of lower PG-13 content would be Spy x Family or Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantamania (Ant-Man 2).

Content in the upper PG-13 level is definitely PG-13 and should probably not be watched by anyone below high school, even if they are 13 years old.  This content will probably deal with darker topics and/or include too much swearing, violence & action, and suggestive moments to be suitable for kids below high school.  Obviously there are exceptions, because my brother as the youngest has probably seen a lot of stuff in middle school that would have this rating.  Examples of upper PG-13 content would be Transformers, My Hero Academia, or Bridge of Spies.

Content in the lower PG-16 level will have one or two aspects that make it not clean.  However, these aspects are not suitable for kids under 16.  The best way I can explain this rating is to give the example of Way of the HousehusbandWay of the Househusband is about an ex-gang boss working as a househusband so that his wife can pursue her dream job.  The main character is actually a very positive role model, and the show is meant to be a comedy so it’s quite clean.  The only drawback is that the main character uses strong language and often references his past life which was not clean.  If the show also had suggestive content of any kind like girls in tight outfits I would probably bump it up to “Not Clean, but it has a Good Theme.”  Since the only un-clean aspect is the main character’s language, I marked it as lower PG-16.  It’s a lot cleaner than Avengers: Infinity War or Spiderman: No Way Home, but I still wouldn’t show it to middle schoolers (other than my brother whom I’m a bad influence on).

Content that is in the Not Clean, Good Theme level will be at the point where I couldn’t in good faith recommend it as clean content any more.  However, there is some content out there that I think has very positive themes which redeem it from not being clean enough.  The whole idea of clean content is that we consume it to positively influence ourselves while still having a good time.  Some content out there is quite clean, but still a terrible influence.  I’d rather recommend this than that.  I will mostly rate content at this level all in one post so that you guys won’t feel click-baited if you go on to a post saying it’s recommending clean content and this stuff comes up.  An example of this type of content would be The Martian or A Silent Voice.

Content that is Just Not Clean is too un-clean and doesn’t have positive enough themes to redeem itself.  An example of this would be Kingsman: The Secret Service which is rated R already.  I tried to watch that movie, but the first couple of minutes of it are already traumatizing.  I only made it like 20 minutes in before I gave up and watched YouTube to cleanse my eyes.  My parents watched the whole thing and afterwards told me it was not worth it.  I know some people may like Kingsman, so when I slap the “Just Not Clean” rating onto content, I’m not saying it’s not good.  Although I really didn’t like that movie.  The “Just Not Clean” label simply means I’m saying this is 100% not something I’d recommend to people who want clean & wholesome content.

#2 Guest Appearances

With the preceding post, this blog will now have guest appearances!  I’m starting out with my family, but I’m thinking of asking some of my friends to make guest appearances too.

#3 Notifications

I’m now providing the option for readers to get notifications when new posts are released.  All you have to do is fill in a form for your email address and you’ll get emailed whenever I publish a post.  I won’t sell your information to third parties.

#4 Levels of Readers

Readers of this blog can now earn ranks by completing goals.  (^v^ )  My dad suggested this idea and I liked how it could make the community feel more interactive, so I’m going to try it out.  Once you reach a level, you will get a corresponding level badge that appears when you make a comment.  There will be four ranks for now, though I may add more later.  The titles for each level (duckies, squirts, cleanlings, and janitors) are all inspired by the themes of my blog.  Before you ask, I am aware these titles are ridiculous, but that's the fun in it.  If I add more ranks in the future, I might give them a different theme for their names (maybe gaming or Kpop, ooh).

Level 1: Subscribe for Notifications (Duckie)

To reach level 1, all you have to do is subscribe for notifications.  I will be able to see your email address so I can keep track of what level you are.

Level 2: Comment on Two Posts (Squirt)

To reach level 2, all you have to do is comment on two posts on this blog.  You can't reach level 2 without first reaching level 1.  If you already commented on 2 posts before subscribing for notifications, then when you subscribe you don't have to comment again to reach level 2.

Level 3: Request or Recommend Clean Content (Cleanling)

To reach level 3, you need to either send me a request for clean content (for example, ask me to recommed clean content on goat yoga) or recommend me clean content (for example, saying "Hey Kirsten, I really like Dora, you should recommend it").  You can do this by either commenting on my blog or messaging cleancontentcorner@gmail.com.

Level 4: Comment on Every Post (Janitor)

To reach level 4, you need to comment on every post published at the time that you are attempting this.  If you comment on every post, and then I release a new post, you don't need to comment on it to maintain your rank of janitor.  I like this badge because it reminds me of the Star Trek badges.

The only way to achieve a rank above the lowest level is to complete the goal for the lowest rank and then the goal for the next rank.  So for example, if you comment on a post, but don’t subscribe for notifications, you won’t achieve the squirt rank.  Only once you complete the goal for level 1 will you be able to achieve a rank above that.

I'm thinking of creating merch and doing some type of give-away for people who reach levels 3 and 4.  Y'all let me know if you like that idea, because right now, I don't think anyone would be interested.

Comments!!  In the past, email wasn’t recorded when people made comments.  Now that ranks have been introduced, email needs to be recorded to keep track of who has achieved the Clean Content Corner goals.  Your email will only be recorded to keep track of your rank, and only if you agree to this.  If you don't want to achieve a rank on this blog, you don't have to record your email when you comment.  Your email will not be posted with your comment and will not be sold as information to third parties.

#5 YouTube Channel

I've started a YouTube channel!

There isn’t much going on for this channel now, but my plan is to mainly release clean edits of content.  I wasn’t going to start a channel because I’m busy enough with my blog, but I had some videos lying around that I just edited for fun, and I figured it would be better to post them.  This channel could be subject to change, so I might discuss it again in a future update.

This update was a lot of work, but I think the changes on here will be good for the site.  If there's any changes that suck in your opinion, feel free to give me feedback!

 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."

Proverbs 4:23  (NIV)

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