

How the Blog Works

This blog is split into several sections: YouTube, Music, Anime, Other, and Stay Clean.  There are some subsections under these that focus in on a more specific aspect I will cover more often in my blog.  The section Stay Clean is meant to provide advice on how to find clean content and avoid not-clean content.  The subsections are: Gaming (under YouTube), Kpop (under Music), Manga (under Anime), Books, Fanfics, and Movies/TV Shows (under Other).  I titled the one section Manga, but it could include comics of any kind (Manhwas, Manhuas, or Western comics).  The rest of the sections should be straightforward.  Sometimes a subsection will have a post that isn't listed under the main section.  For example, I wrote a post titled 10 Clean Kpop-Themed Activities to Try Over the Summer listed under the Kpop subsection, but since it has nothing to do with music, I didn't list it under the Music section.

I also include hashtags on posts that denote every section they're under.  This is actually meant to make it easier to search up a post on the search bar.  Occasionally I include an extra hashtag for a topic that is prevalent in a post.   An example of this is a post I wrote about reggaeton songs.  Since the post was mainly about reggaetion I added #Reggaeton to it even though there is no reggaeton section on my blog.

Under the About section I'm going to post updates.  When updates come out you will be able to find them listed on this page and the Home page.

On Google Sites, I've discovered the best way to create a commenting system is to have people fill out a Google Form which I will then transfer onto a Google Sheet.  I hope in the future Google will create its own commenting system.  :')   What's good about this system is that I can moderate so that all the posted comments are clean.  Comments can be put under any post except for this one.  You just have to scroll to the bottom of a post and a Google Form and Sheet will be linked to post or look at comments.  You could also leave a comment, question, or request on the Forum.

I don't have a set posting schedule.  I aim for once a month, but during school it often ranges to once per 1-3 months.  The past two years my posting's been dodgy, and there's a chance this year it'll get even dodgier.

About Me & How the Blog Was Started

I go by Kirsten on this blog (the “Ki-” being pronounced like the word ‘key’).  Sometimes I sound like a robot here and sometimes I sound like the most chaotic person on the planet.  Let's hope for all our sakes that I figure out my writing voice soon.

My parents are missionaries and I live overseas with them.  I have a younger brother and a sister my same age.  I've gone to school in Myanmar and Thailand, but I'm from the U.S.  I love talking about my family and all sorts of different cultures in this blog, so if you're into that... great!

This is me.

I included this photo of me so you guys would know I'm a "real person."

A cartoon girl holding a blue spray bottle and wearing a green apron with yellow rain boots

I also designed a mascot, because that's cooler.

The reason this blog was started was that I felt lonely.  That was a joke, don't take that seriously.  That was partially the reason.  I have lived in many cultures and had close friends from many cultures, which brought about most of my interests in things like Kpop and Anime.  The problem for me is that when I or my friends move, I don't have anyone to recommend me fun, clean content in our interests anymore.  :(    I tried really hard to find someone on the internet who could recommend clean content that lined up with my values.  If any of you know a Christian on the internet who recommends anime or Kpop-related content, please tell me about this person.

In the end, I settled for watching good content that wasn't clean.  What was I supposed to do when I wanted to watch anime with my brother or K-dramas with my sister, though?  What about when I wanted to introduce my new friends to my interests?  I didn't want to be a bad influence on them, and I would have been happy to watch good, clean content if I could find it.  Beyond that I felt really alienated from the Christian communities I was in, since I no longer knew any Christians who shared my interests (beyond my family).  A lot of people assumed that because not all Kpop or anime is clean, that means they are evil (and by extension that makes me evil for liking them, I guess?).

In the end, I spent so much time watching content and searching for clean stuff that I realized I wasn't having the problem of struggling to find clean content any more.  It took forever, but I had managed to do it.  I thought about it and concluded, "I'm a (self-proclaimed) expert in these niches now.  I could be that person I was trying so hard to find on the internet."  And so I decided to do this for those of you like me, lonely and/or searching for clean content.  With this, you no longer have to compromise on wholesomeness for the sake of entertainment!  Hopefully this blog will help people who think that Kpop/anime/etc. is evil to realize that these niches can be very wholesome and positive.  Hopefully this will help you connect with friends and family.  Whatever the function of this blog will be for you, go forth and enjoy yourself!

 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”  

Proverbs 4:23  (NIV)

Newest Updates

#About   Blog Update 1.0

Kirsten   |    July 23, 2022