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10 Kid-Friendly Gaming Channels My Bro Recommends

Kirsten,  Kirsten's Bro | July 23, 2022

I posted a blog update at the same time as this, which will discuss some changes I'll be making to our Clean Content Corner.

Guys, it was such an ordeal to get this done.  At first I just gave my bro some guiding questions to answer for each channel he wanted to recommend, but he ended up sounding a lot like me. :[ You can probably tell once you read the first couple of recommendations he makes.  To make my bro sound more like himself, I ended up recording him verbally recommending the rest of the channels and that seemed to work.  But then I had to type it up.  :')  He worked really hard on this too, he researched all his channels and then recorded himself speaking for 40 minutes straight.

Also, we were in the car at the time I interviewed him verbally so things were pretty chaotic.

This was an ordeal so it'll probably be a few months until another guest appearance.  My bro was just supposed to recommend YouTube channels–not specifically gaming ones–so you can look forward to an eventual post where he'll give more general YouTube recommendations.

Once the recommendations start, anything written by my bro will be in this font and color, while anything I want to add will look like this.

I have a grading scale for how clean content is now.  It's pretty straightforward, but if you want to understand it better, then check out my Blog Update 1.0.  The main thing to know is that lower PG applies to first grade and up, while upper PG upplies to third/fourth grade and up, and lower PG-13 applies to middle school and up.

For those of you who didn't know, Technoblade passed away this past June from cancer.  Both me and my brother really admired him.  He’s the first channel my bro wanted to recommend, but I didn’t want to force my bro to talk about his death so I thought I would cover it for him.  For those of you who don’t watch Technoblade, I would highly encourage you to do so even though there probably won’t be any new content on his channel.  He was an icon in the MineCraft community, and seeing such a skilled gamer with a real respect for the niche brought me and my bro a lot more confidence in our interest.  My condolences and prayers are with his family and friends, and for those of you who pray, I would encourage you to do the same.

#1 Technoblade

Technoblade never swears and usually bleeps out swearing from other YouTubers.  However, during his streams, the people he collabs with can swear a lot. (For example, any Dream SMP videos.)  Sometimes, he has dark humor, so he might not be good for young children.

I like his humor, even though it can be dark. He’s often like the jesters in some mafia-type games; just there to cause chaos. This channel is mostly based on Minecraft and especially Hypixel. He’s very skilled at fighting and potato farming.  One time, he and only two others beat around 20 others who had teamed up against them in a tournament. 

#2 Mysticat

Mysticat doesn’t swear and he doesn’t ever make any inappropriate jokes as far as I can remember. Sometimes he’ll show off his creations to YouTubers that swear, but I don’t remember whether or not he bleeps it.

Mysticat is very creative and makes very unique things. The channel is focused on adding things to Minecraft, for example adding sharks and cars into Minecraft. He also likes to challenge himself to do it only using command blocks, rather than creating a mod or something. He also gives helpful tips and tricks for Minecraft. If you like command blocks or want to add cool things to Minecraft yourself, this is the channel for you.

One of his greatest feats was creating a square in vanilla Minecraft!

#3 Skeppy

I recommended Skeppy because he is a diamond block which means he’s very rich.  He does a lot of trolling which is very funny.  Especially when he and Technoblade would get together.  He's also good in bedwars.  If you like bedwars, then this is a good channel for you.

He likes to hang out with BadBoyHalo.  I'm not sure if BadBoyHalo is clean.  I would warn people that Skeppy is… aggressive and he does a lot of trolling.  So if you don't want your kid to grow up to be that person then don't let them watch him.  (Me: do you know a person like that?  Him: yes, kirsten)

#4 WhoGnu

(My family had a big discussion about why he is called WhoGnu before my bro could continue our interview.)  A Gnu is a type of wildebeest.

I haven't watched him in a year so I should check that he’s clean.  I haven't seen much of it but he does a series similar to the Dream SMP.  He’s a smaller channel and does it with other smaller channels.  It’s not really for younger kids.

Channels often start out for young kids and age with the audience.  He’s pretty clean and not really aggressive--I don’t think there’s anything I need to warn you about.  He did put a fox through a training course and it fell off sometimes, so if you don't want your kids to see a minecraft fox die, then… be careful.

I like this channel because-whhoooooshhh-WHY IS THE WINDOW OPEN?!!  You should include this in your clean content thing.  (yes, i did ^^)  I like this channel because he is fun and he is clean, which is a nice thing for starters.  (I asked what about his content is unique)  His content is very unique because it’s clean, but honestly it’s not totally unique in the sense that he copied the Dream SMP…. You know?  But it’s a clean version of the Dream SMP.   ヽ( ᐖゞ)  On the topic of SMPs, Hermitcraft is so good.  Did I recommend Mumbo Jumbo? (You can’t because I already did, hehe.  So what’s interesting about WhoGnu?)  What’s interesting about WhoGnu is that he’s a gnu.  (...)  Actually, what’s interesting about him is that in his 1st ever video he had a facecam, but he never uses it in any of his other videos since then.  

#5 Wisp

Honestly, I don’t know if Wisp is clean… I’ll have to check him out.  He’s Australian… or maybe he’s British, so he might use words that he doesn’t find not clean but Americans do. (My bro has friends from Australia, the UK, and New Zealand, so he knows from experience ^^)  An example is the d-word which sounds like the word for what beavers make.  Other than that, I think he’s clean.

Most of the channels I recommended are MineCraft channels, but he normally does MCC (Minecraft Championships).  *we start talking about MCC and I mention stabbing*

Dad: I don’t think we should be stabbing anybody… 

Bro: No, but it’s in MineCraft

Dad sarcastically: Oh, then it’s okay to murder

Us: No, but they can parkour to come back to life, so it’s not like they’re dead forever

Dad: confused silence

Actually, he doesn't do MCC, he does UHC.  Which means Ultra Hardcore MineCraft, where you fight players with certain settings that are more difficult than normal MineCraft (for example, your health doesn't regenerate over time--only from gapples).  In UHC challenges, people spawn onto an SMP without any gear and have to survive (last man standing).

I bet you could join that as a community member or patreon.  Wisp likes to add extra challenges and mods to his UHC content.  A lot of his content is pretty similar, but recently (a few years ago) he collaborated with Henwy.  He does build challenges sometimes.

#6 Lethamyr

Lethamyr does a lot of Rocket League.  That’s almost all he does, except for making maps.  Because he plays a lot of Rocket League, sometimes the conversations become a bit iff-y.  (I asked how they were iff-y)  The gamers are playing this game that’s like soccer, so they have a ball–and sometimes they makes jokes about that.  (me: no one I know has made a joke like that since 5th gradeExactly, so fifth graders will love it!  (me: that’s not what I meant…)  It’s not in a ton of videos, maybe only once in every five videos.  Lethamyr is pretty much clean.  (me: I’ll recommend it for upper elementary)  But I enjoy it, and I’m not in elementary.  (me: I meant upper elementary and higher)  Oh.

Anyway, I don’t remember any swear words in his videos but it’s possible that people who collaborate with him swear sometimes.  (All his videos I've seen have 1-2 swear words in them, so I decided to bump it up from Upper PG to Lower PG-13.)  The only thing that makes his videos similar is that they're in Rocket League.  He’s very unique and entertaining.

#7 Sigils

I would say Sigils is the most sane out of everyone in his group.  If you know InsaneCraft, it’s basically a bunch of people in Ssundee’s group like Henwy, Biffle, Nicovald, and Jerome (plus Sigils) playing on an SMP.  He’s clean but their group kinda makes weird jokes.  Older people probably wouldn’t enjoy it as much, but that’s why Sigils is good because he doesn’t really make those jokes and is just like “Whaaat? I have terrible friends,” when his friends do.

So on Insanecraft, Sigils is extremely rich and probably the best of all of them.  Although, Ssundee became Thanos first so he’s always been ahead of everyone even though Sigils is way richer than him.  Basically, Sigils makes all of his own stuff, but Ssundee goes and does stuff for other people and gets really overpowered stuff.  Ssundee knows way more so he can get better stuff.  So Ssundee is the most powerful in the server but Sigils is the most rich.  If people need something that is expensive they often go to Sigils.  Sigils is pretty overpowered only Ssundee is more overpowered.  Since Sigils is, like, second on the server, I like to watch him on that.

Sigils’ second most often thing he does is Among Us.  I don’t watch those videos any more because I got tired of them.  They do basically the same content, just with different skins and stuff.  They need to get more creative.  (Dang, my bro is sa-vage)  That’s why Lethamyr is better because he’s really creative with all the maps he does.  Ssundee is more interesting to watch in Among Us anyway.

Sometimes Sigils’ group does FortNite and sometimes they do MineCraft.  They don’t do FortNite as often, I think.  Sigils does MineCraft content outside of the InsaneCraft server, like minigames.

#8 DanTDM

 All of DanTDM’s old videos are completely clean because he was doing videos for, like, 5-year-olds.  But he kinda aged with his audience, so it’s been fun to see how he’s changed.  I feel like his community is really fun, too.  Dan likes to include the community in a lot of stuff.  Nowadays you need to be careful though, because the people who watch Dan are probably around twenty years old.

He does play horror games sometimes, so just don’t watch those--unless you like horror games.  So, he’s clean in the sense that he doesn’t swear, but now Dan plays gory things.  If you’re letting a kid watch him, you should probably be monitoring them--like putting the videos on for them, not just letting them watch his channel.

Most of his videos in between the 6-year-old ones and the horror ones are really fun (me in the background: you’re convincing me to watch him, bro).  So you just need to find the videos that are targeted to your specific age.

#9 Sandiction

The bar is blank because Sandiction is squeaky clean

Sandiction is pretty fun.  He hasn’t made much content--I don’t think I’ve seen anything other than his hardcore series where he builds huge, extravagant things.  His videos come out really not that often because he takes so long to do each thing, probably around 1-2 months.  But then it’s so fun once one comes out and you’re like “Yes, finally!”  ( ๑•̀ㅂ•́)و

He basically remodeled the whole End Island and he created an entire floating planet above the island (that sounds a lot like Philza to me, but Philza’s not clean).  His content doesn’t have a lot of action, but if you’re into builds, you’d probably like watching him.

He might say the d-word, but I’m pretty sure he’s clean.  It’s hard recommending things--when you have to come up with 10 at a time, it’s hard.  (me: *crying* yes bro, now you know my pain)

[Then my bro said I should write a post where I just give advice on how to find clean content.  That’s actually what my plan is--that’s what the Stay Clean section is for.  I told my bro he should help me with it since it’s hard to have much good advice on that, and he agreed to it.  I guess y’all can look forward to another guest appearance of his in the future!]

My bro still on the topic of advice for finding clean content:  If you watch clean channels, you’re more likely to find more clean channels.  (Through the YouTube algorithm that will recommend you similar content to what you watch--there’s a great documentary that explains more about the algorithms called The Social Dilemma.)  Take Kirsten’s recommendations.   Taaaaake Kirsten’s recommendations.  (me as my bro starts creepily whispering into my phone: ???)   Taaaaake Kirsten’s recommendations--I’m trying to hypnotize you guys, if it’s not obvious.

Anyway, I think Sandiction is completely clean.

#10 Craftee

The bar is blank because Craftee is squeaky clean

Craftee’s completely clean, I’m pretty sure.  He doesn’t do much collaboration.  His main thing is MineCraft, specifically, trying to beat the game with certain special items to make it interesting.  For example: beating the Ender Dragon with special horse armor.  His content is pretty similar, but it always has different mods.  Since his name is Craftee, he always has to craft special stuff.  He’s pretty interesting, but it might get old eventually since his videos are kind of similar.

That's it, guys!  We finally did it!  I did pay my bro, so no one can say I was taking advantage of him.  He's becoming very rich off of the $3 per post he's making.

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 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."

Proverbs 4:23  (NIV)

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