#Stay Clean

Listed Under Sections...  Stay Clean

The Beginner's Guide to Staying Clean While Lurking on YouTube

Kirsten | August 2, 2022 | Updated April 23, 2023

About the thumb nail, I had a duck key chain and thought I should find an excuse to post a photo of it on my blog.  :P

Mmmm... Summer's almost over.  :[   Guys, I'm not ready.  Posts are gonna start slowing down. :'(  Well, I'm planning to aim for short ones so that I can post at least once per 2 weeks instead of once per four months like I did last year.  (^^)b

I'm probably going to turn this into a series where I give advice on staying clean in other niches too.  Most of the post will be different tips on how to stay clean while watching YouTube.  At the end of this post, I will include an index listing all the YouTube channels I've ever recommended and all my posts focusing on YouTube.  This index will update any time I recommend more YouTube channels, and I will probably include similar indexes on any guides to staying clean I make in the future.

::: Table of Contents :::

Step 1: Distraction Free YouTube

This extension is such a life saver, guys.  What Distraction Free YouTube does is hide the videos you’re not watching from you.  Beyond blocking potentially un-clean content, it also makes it easier to not procrastinate if you have to go onto YouTube for an assignment.  I started really using this extension during online school, and I would recommend it for people who have a YouTube addiction.

This is what it looks like installed and pinned as an extension

This is what it looks like in the Chrome Web Store

Distraction Free YouTube has a lot of settings you can choose from, so you can customize it to your own needs.  Personally, I like to block videos from appearing on the YouTube home page or appearing next to a video I’m watching.  When I want to watch videos, I look up a general term like “MineCraft” or I go onto a channel I’m already subscribed to.  This extension mainly functions to decrease the temptation to watch videos that are not clean that keep appearing in your recommendations and block you from seeing inappropriate things so YouTube is less traumatizing.

This is what my YouTube home page looks like after customizing Distraction Free YouTube

When I search things up on YouTube it looks normal

When I watch a video, nothing is recommended to me on the side

Step 2: Accountability

You can always switch off Distraction Free YouTube, and I used to do that all the time because I would get bored of watching videos from the same channels.  What helped me stop doing this (and procrastinate less) was to have a friend who asked me every time we studied together whether I had switched the extension off.  After that, I was motivated to keep the extension on and find a cleaner way to find new content.  I’ve found that searching up specific terms for what you want to watch like “BTS music videos” means that most of the un-clean content I used to be exposed to would be filtered out because it wouldn’t relate to my search term.

Step 3: Make Good Friends

An even better method than looking up something general you wanna watch like “cool anime edits” is asking your friends for recommendations.  Of course, for this step, you would first need to make sure you have friends you could trust to recommend you things.  From my experience, though, most of my friends and family have given me really good recommendations.  My brother was always on my case to watch Mumbo Jumbo, and I am now very thankful to him for that.

Step 4: Read My Posts (⌐▨_▨)

 The BEST method, of course, is to read my posts.  :P  If you don’t have friends that like the same stuff as you and can recommend you good, clean content–well, that’s what I’m here for!  As far as YouTube, I’m planning to do a lot more of those posts this year since they’re easier than finding stuff like clean reggaeton songs and I’m going to be starting school soon.  If you subscribe for notifications from my blog, you can stay updated on all the good YouTube content.  :)

Step 5: Addiction

Get addicted to a wholesome and clean channel.  It will be easier to stop watching other channels that are not clean, then.  You could also find more clean channels that collab with the channel you watch.  The YouTube algorithm will  begin recommending you similar channels (that might also be wholesome) based on what you're watching, too.

Step 6: Subscribe to Clean Channels

With Distraction Free YouTube, I’ve found the cleanest way to do things is to find clean channels to subscribe to and only visit those when I decide to lurk on YouTube.  The rare exceptions being when I am on a quest for more clean channels.




General Entertainment



Family-Friendly Entertainment


My next post will either be about anime or fanfiction.  I've also been wanting to do a post about reggaeton again, though I feel like that one would be a while in the making.  I have about three posts pre-written that I'm going to release at the end of the summer, so unless I fall off the face of the earth, posts shouldn't slow down for the next few weeks.

I'm kinda busy right now trying to get a decent amount of content onto my newly started YouTube channel before focusing back on my blog.  I've also been thinking of starting "story-time" posts where I give an update on my personal life or tell a random story.  Internet safety is important, guys, so I'm not going to detail everything, but I thought that would be a good way for my friends to know I'm still living since I don't post on social media.  Besides, it could be fun for the rest of you, too.  :>

 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."

Proverbs 4:23  (NIV)

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