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Thai Movies to Watch with Your Family

For context, this post's cover picture was taken in Thailand, which is why I chose it.  The people in the picture are me, my bro, and my dad.

Kirsten | May 14, 2023

Writing this post has made me nostalgic for Thailand. :')  I'm going to try to find some of these movies and watch them again, so I may add where you can watch these later.  Right now, y'all will have to fend for yourselves.  Sorry, but we're nearing finals season and I've only got so much energy.

Clean Movies

#1 The Legend of Muay Thai: Nine Satra

This is a cartoon I watched in Thai class to learn about the culture.  It was actually a really amazing film on its own, especially for a children's movie.  The action was well done (I'm always looking for great action movies) and the plot was entertaining.  My only warning would be that there is death in the movie which would probably be upsetting for lower elementary kids.  Also, there are strong themes of Buddhism throughout the movie.  I know there are some Christian parents out there who are careful about showing movies with non-Christian themes to kids, but now I'm curious--are there other people out there who do the same thing?  Like Muslims or Hindus?  If you have an answer, please tell me.  :)

#2 A Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Some Alternate Titles Include A Little Thing Called Love and First Love

My Thai teacher this year was awesome.  This is another movie we watched in class.  It's a romantic comedy, and personally, I think it was heavy on both the romance and the comedy.  Our class laughed and cringed throughout the movie, and once it was over, I thought I would enjoy rewatching it with my family.  (I haven't yet, but I still want to.)  I'm pretty sure it's been adapted into a C-drama called First Love, which shows just how iconic this film was at the time of its release (the movie's a bit old now). It's a bit of a coming-of-age film, so if you're into that like I am, you should definitely give it a shot. 

There are a few moments and themes that may not be suitable for lower elementary kids, so you should probably use your judgment when it comes to them watching it.  For preteens and up, though, the movie's totally clean.  

#3 Teacher's Diary

I'm going to have to admit, I haven't actually seen this movie myself.  It's on my watch list though, because my class saw it when I was attending school in Myanmar and they all love it.  They haven't stopped going on about how funny and cute the movie was, and they barely acknowledged A Crazy Little Thing Called Love was good,  so…  This movie is apparently next level.  I guess I'll have to find out for myself, but until then I'm going to risk trusting my class' opinion.

I don't think he swore in Thai, but there's a "sh**!" in the English subtitles

PG-13 Movies

#1 Seasons Change

This movie (unsurprisingly) was also one we watched in Thai class.  Seasons Change mainly centers on a boy who joins a music program in university.  As a band kid, I can certify that this movie actually does incorporate music and the actors do look like they’re playing the instruments (though I can’t recall how convincing it really was).  Although it’s marketed as a comedy, Seasons Change deals with a lot of deep topics such as parental pressure and judging appearances.  It’s also a coming of age movie, of sorts.

I can’t remember clearly how appropriate this movie was, but I believe there were a couple suggestive moments (like maybe a kiss) and some instances of swearing.  None of the instances were too shocking or inappropriate, but they’re the reason I placed this movie in the PG-13 section of the post.  I’d say it’s an iff-y “Will it go over the kids’ heads?” sort of situation, but probably if they’ve seen Night at the Museum then they can watch this.

#2 The Con-Heartist

If you like sleek heist movies like Ocean's Eleven and The Italian Job, this movie will be your jam (hopefully, haha).  It's one of the highest quality Thai films I've seen.  The film crew definitely knew what they were doing.  The actors were also amazing (you might recognize the main character because she's also the female lead of A Crazy Little Thing Called Love).  Most importantly, the plot is believable and hilarious.  Although the movie has few iffy moments, it's become our go-to when entertaining Thai friends.

#3 Suddenly Twenty

I haven't watched all of this movie but I've seen most of it, and my mom has seen the whole thing.  Just to be thorough, I asked her to help me review this one.

Suddenly Twenty is really cute and comedic because it’s about a grandma who suddenly de-ages to be twenty years old. This movie explores the difference between older and younger generations and our appreciation for our elders. The actors in this movie are very talented, especially the lead.  While some of the humor is suggestive, this movie’s more wholesome moments left us laughing, and its emotional moments left us tearing up.

Quite a Few Suggestive Moments in Here

If you enjoyed this post, feel free to let me know using the form below!  I'm thinking of writing a similar post about Thai TV shows in the future.  The guide to fanfiction I've been promising is actually going to be my next post, I swear.  Stay tuned for that if you're interested, and in the meantime you can check out 5 Clean Fanfiction Over 100k Words or browse through my home page.  See ya!  ( •̀ᴗ -)ノ

 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."

Proverbs 4:23  (NIV)

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