#Fanfics #Other

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5 Clean Fanfiction Over 100k Words

Kirsten | Posted November 7, 2022 | Updated June 23, 2023

For those of you curious about the cover picture for this post, my sister took a photo of me and drew over it when she was bored one day.  I thought it would be funny to use for this post since I am going to be recommending an MCU fanfiction here.  Feel free to comment about how amazing and talented my sister is, haha.  :)


My bro's been telling me I need to create posts for the empty sections of my blog, so I'm taking his advice.  The next post will probably be in December (sorry), and it'll be a guide to navigating fanfiction cleanly.  That's the plan, but we'll see.


I’m going to have to disclaim that fanfiction really isn’t kid-friendly.  What I mean is, fanfiction is rarely written for an audience younger than the teens.  I can find a decent amount of fanfiction that would be clean enough for a teenager--maybe even a preteen--to read, but there really isn’t any out there that’s written for little kids.

Kids who are not in either in their teens or in middle school should click off.  I'm sorry guys, but that's the way it has to be.  :( I'll find fanfiction for younger kids and make a post about it in the future, I promise.  I'll write the fanfiction myself if I have to.

( •̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

Alright, we're moving on, so to the little kids who haven't clicked off yet, don't say I didn't warn you... 

Generally, the big three things I look to avoid in fanfiction are dr*gs, s*x, and s*lf-h*rm.  Although I do my best to find fics that also exclude swearing and other not-so-clean aspects, I will probably recommend some of those in the future.  The ones I have today only include violence, swearing, or trauma at worst.

#1  Frost Collar  (110k words) by Thisisentertaining

Frost Collar is rated teen & up on Archive of Our Own, probably for the references to crime and violence.  This fic is a fusion between White Collar and Rise of the Guardians with Jack Frost as the main character, so there is some theft and intrigue in it.  The aspect I’d warn most strongly about is the villain who runs a crime syndicate that involves violence.  Still, I'd say that if y’all can watch White Collar, then y’all can read this fic.

I don’t like spoilers, so I won’t go into much depth on the story, but I have to love on it a bit.  The fusion of White Collar and ROTG was a clever premise, and the author pulled it off really well.  The fusion in Frost Collar is created by adding characters and aspects of ROTG to the White Collar universe, and the interactions between White Collar and ROTG characters are pure gold.  If you love the comedy and wholesome themes in White Collar and ROTG, then you will adore this fic.

#2  Are We All Lost Stars  (122k Words) by hyyh_13

Are We All Lost Stars is rated teen & up for past child abuse and minor character death.  There's also swearing, I caught sh**, h*ll, and the F-word.  For the most part, Are We All Lost Stars reflects the tone of Harry Potter, so if you could read Harry Potter then you could certainly read this fic (except for the swearing).  The fic does delve more into the effects of childhood trauma than Harry Potter did, though.

Are We All Lost Stars is about BTS, but set in the Harry Potter universe.  It's a Jungkook-centric fic where Jungkook navigates Hogwarts as a Gryffindor with infamous Death Eater parents.  The main focus of the fic is Jungkook’s growing friendship with the other members of BTS, but there is also a layer of mystery to the story.  Although there are certainly intriguing and depressing elements to this fic, I would say its overall tone is wholesome.

#3  Winter's Time  (141k words) by DrowningOstrich

Winter’s Time is rated teen & up as well, because it delves into the darker themes of Rise of the Guardians.  I also caught a couple uses of the word d*mn.  There are some scenes of original characters treating Jack in a manipulative and abusive manner, which explains a bit of his past.  The main idea of the fic is to answer some of the unanswered questions that arise from watching the movie, such as, “Why did Jack go through three-hundred years of loneliness?”  Although the fic involves some angst and dark themes like Jack’s past, it does also have really wholesome themes like the team working together as a family.  This isn’t a fic that’s meant to only be depressing.

I have been waiting for years for this fic to update, guys.  :’)  The world building in Winter’s Time is complex but balanced with an engaging plot.  It adds a lot to the ROTG universe, and it never gets confusing.  There are some satisfying answers to questions and there are some mysteries I’m still waiting for answers to.  This fic may never be updated again, but it’s good enough uncompleted that I’m still recommending it.  If any of you notice it update before me, please send me a message.  :’D

#4  Adopting Identities  (147k words)

Adopting Identities is rated teen & up for “graphic depictions of violence.”  The violence was milder than most Marvel movies from my memory, so this fanfic could probably be read by most preteens.  Overall, the story’s plot is a healthy balance of wholesome and fascinating.  I was kept on the edge of my seat the entire time I read this, but it wasn’t going to leave me with nightmares.

Adopting Identities is a really clever Avengers: Civil War fix-it.  Peter Parker is the main character, but he isn’t a Mary Sue, which I appreciate.  The fic does a really good job of capturing each character’s strengths and weaknesses without being too biased, which I love because I’ve gotten tired of the Team Cap vs. Team Iron Man stuff at this point.  One of the aspects that gives the fic its own flavor is that Adopting Identities draws a lot on the comics and past Spiderman movies, which was not as common back in 2016-2019.

#5  Ingenious Idiot  (268k words)

Ingenious Idiot is the fic to complete our quintet of teen & up ratings, and it’s got it all: past abuse, violence, minor character death, swearing (h*ll, d*mn, *ss, sh**, f-word), torture, mental health issues, and a few suggestive moments.  Ingenious Idiot is written in the style of a show with multiple episodes, though, so these darker themes are spread out with humor and wholesome moments mixed in.  I really love how the fic delves more deeply into Jim Kirk’s crew than the movies could.

Ingenious Idiot is a Star Trek fic centered on Jim Kirk being a supergenius and constantly stupefying his genius crewmates.  They get caught in really sticky situations, some of them pretty dark, and Jim has to find a way out of them.  It’s probably a lot like the old Star Trek series, but I've only watched a few episodes of that.

Welp, I think this is a pretty strong list of recommendations, so I'm pleased.  I didn't realize some of them had such strong swearing, so I'll apologize for that.  I did my best to pick the cleanest fanfic I knew, which I guess proves my point that kid-friendly fanfic doesn't exist.  See y'all in the next one.

 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”  

Proverbs 4:23  (NIV)
